Yesterday Andrew Belonsky wrote convincingly at Towleroad in the blog's daily closing article, "I'm Gay: The 50 Most Powerful Coming Outs of 2012", of the breadth and scope, diversity if you will, and of the
empowerment, provided by these brave souls. I could not help tearing up
as I read many a summation accorded each individual and their poignant,
and often heart-wrenching, story.
Andrew is one but many an author contributing to a story arc that has been a year-long event at Towelroad. You'll find them all archived here.
In short, Andy Towle and his staff are declaring "2012: The Gayest year ever".
Media attention like this just makes me want to wrap myself in fuchsia
(maybe pink anyone?) and lavender and strut my stuff anew all up and
down the gay boulevard, ankle-length otter draped over my shoulders, boa
and single-strand and knotted, heirloom, pearls flying, shod in my Joan
Crawford come fuck-me pumps, seamed silk-stockings and garter belt,
drenched in my best designer fragrance and livery, bejewelled and
bedecked to the nines, proclaiming my fabulousness to all and sundry.
The problem is I've done it all before, in what seems centuries ago ...
well at least a lifetime no matter how you count it ... and I can't help
but wonder "When will circumstances in Mr. Belonsky's article (and others')
become non-events?" "When will Gay-marriage simply be marriage?" "When
will one's sexuality be a non-starter and not something that
principally defines who we are in the minds of others?"
And I do have other questions too ... what about you?
Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
I find that glorious comings out make me want to hide away. I am out, proud, and ordinary.