Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tempus fugit.

A year ago it was more or less certain, and in some circles, expected that I would not be here.

For a variety of reasons, not the least of these apparently being the fellowship and goodwill extended by many, I somewhat miraculously awakened from what should have been a fitting and sobering end to a long and gloriously debased and debauched 50-odd year journey partaking of sundry carnal delights.

That I have subsequently continued to daily arise and take a fresh breath with each morning's sunrise stupefies me no end, and I have counted each and every one of them as they have passed as a blessing granted, extended and accepted. My adventure in this World is evidently not quite over, although I can't for the life of me fathom why.

The aforementioned taken as a given, let me say to you all:

Revel in, and cherish, all interactions with your fellow travelers, extending to them the very same fellowship, courtesy, compassion, truth and honour that you would have them anoint you with. Learn well, and early, the judicious application of not sweating the little things, and thereby become truly able to determine what is actually important to all and not simply white noise.

DO NOT TAKE 62-years, or more, as I have done, to learn this maxim.

Above all else, regardless of your faith, politics or social construct accept and foster the understanding amongst those around you that there can never, ever, be degrees of EQUALITY. "Equal means equal". No more and no less. None of us can ever be more equal than another, and the sooner humankind comes to accept this premise, the sooner we all will learn to live in harmony, and the sooner all will be allowed to be the very best that each and everyone of us has been, and is, destined to be.

TO ALL, may I extend my best wishes for your continued safety, good health and personal fulfillment in the coming new year.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

 "tempus fugit."'s 21st Century Lexicon., LLC. 24 Dec. 2011. < fugit>.

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